
Iron, folate and B12 deficiencies are the common throughout in the world.National survey 2011 conducted in Pakistan revealed; nutrition anemia is 50.5% in womenof child bearing age and 51% in pregnant women. Iron, folate, and B12 can be correctedby oral/, injectable and dietary supplementation however it takes 3-6 months treatment. Thepatients are symptomatic in moderate to severe anemia. Erythropoietin injection stimulateerythropoiesis in bone marrow and addition of iron ,folate B12 , improve heamoglobin up to10g/dl after 04 weeks therapy .There is immediate symptomatic improvement and it avoidsmultiple blood transfusion. Objectives: To determine the efficacy of erythropoietin in correctionof heamoglobin along with supplementation of iron, folate, and B12 for a period of 04 weeks.Period: January 2015-December 2015. Study Design: A prospective descriptive study. Placeof Study: Mohi-Ud-Din Teaching Hospital Mirpur AJK. Results: Among 110 selected male andfemale patients, (age ranging 20-50 years), after erythropoietin injection plus iron,folateB12supplementation, the reticulocytes and heamoglobin increased from 1.2 to11% and 4.5 to 10.5g/dl respectively after 04 weeks therapy. Conclusion: Erythropoietin injection plus iron, folate,B12 supplementation is an effective way of erythropoiesis for correction of anemia after 04weeks therapy. This immediately improved symptoms &sign of anemia thus avoiding the needof repeated blood transfusion.

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