
Anel de Vidro, Ana Luisa Escorel's first fictional work, published by the small publisher Ouro sobre Azul, of which she is the owner, was elected the best book of 2014 by the Sao Paulo Literature Award, which, until then, had never been given to a woman. This novelty reveals, among other things, the low visibility of the literature produced by women in Brazil. Based on this negative aspect of the Brazilian literary reality, the intention is to analyze this work of female authorship that addresses the theme of marriage and infidelity, in which the protagonist's voice overlaps those of the male characters. Regarding the differentiated form of Escorel’s writing, we will analyze its “minimalist” nature, choosing, for this reason, to treat the text as a novel, due to its brief and concentrated extension. Its aesthetic power, developed from a language that is sophisticated and intelligible, reflects the extreme subtlety of writing precise details that resemble both the structure of a short story and a poem, and allows to create intertextualities with the poetry of Manuel Bandeira and Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Through this cut, this analysis aims at valuing the decided insertion of the author, editor and graphic designer Ana Luisa Escorel in the book market, through a narrative that disagrees with most of the contemporary fiction works produced in the country, whose domain is still markedly masculine.

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