
Aneilema ochraceum Dalz. and A. croceum Griff. have been recognized by all recent authors as representing a single species. They were first combined by Kurz (1870, p. 85), who described A. ochraceum var. griffithii, based on the type of A. croceum. Kurz's taxonomy was accepted by Clarke (1881, p. 214), who changed the name of the variety to p croceum ('crocea'), a nomen superfluum. Clarke's nomenclature for the species and variety were used by J. D. Hooker (1892). Aneilema ochraceum was transferred to Murdannia by BrtUckner (1930). Aneilema ochraceum Dalz. and A. croceum Griff. were both published in 1851. Apparently no one has determined which is the older name. While I was visiting the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in September 1974, I was able to ascertain the months of publication of A. ochraceum and A. croceum. (The assistance of Dr. R. M. Polhill is gratefully acknowledged). The former name was published in Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Gardens Miscellany 3: 135. In the Kew library copy of this volume 'May 1851' is written in pencil for pages I29-146. Aneilema croceum Griff. ('crocea') was published posthumously in Griffith's Notulae ad Plantas Asiaticas 3: 235Referring to this work, W. J. Hooker (1852, p. 94) noted, 'Part III. Monocotyledonous Plants. This was announced as to have been published in January I851.' Thus A. croceum is the older name and must be used in place of A. ochraceum if the two are considered conspecific. The combination has not been made for A. croceum in Murdannia.

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