
Android-based power-saving framework" that is universally recognized. However, I can provide you with information about power-saving techniques and strategies commonly used in Android development up to that point. Keep in mind that developments might have occurred after September 2021. Android devices are known for their versatility and feature-rich environment, but this can come at the cost of increased power consumption. To mitigate this issue, developers and device manufacturers have employed various power-saving techniques and frameworks. Here are some common strategies and frameworks: Doze Mode and App Standby: Android introduced Doze Mode, which helps conserve battery life by delaying background CPU and network activity when a device is idle. App Standby takes this further by putting apps into a low-power state when they aren't actively used, reducing their impact on battery life. Background Execution Limits: Android limits background execution of apps to prevent unnecessary battery drain. Apps can only run background tasks within specific restrictions, ensuring that they don't continuously consume resources. JobScheduler: This framework allows apps to schedule tasks at optimal times, which can help consolidate tasks and reduce the frequency of waking up the device, thus saving power. Battery Optimization: Android provides a battery optimization feature that allows users to prioritize apps and restrict background activity for specific apps, helping to save power. Location Services: Managing location updates efficiently can significantly impact battery life. Using lower accuracy settings or batching location updates can reduce the power consumed by location services. Wakelocks and Alarms: Developers can use wakelocks and alarms to keep the device awake for specific tasks. However, these should be used judiciously, as they can lead to increased power consumption if not managed properly. Optimized Networking: Using techniques like Volley or OkHttp for efficient network requests, and optimizing the use of background data syncing, can help reduce power consumption. Background Syncing: DEMATEL is widely accepted for analyzing the overall relationship of factors and classifying factors into cause-and-effect types. Therefore, this article considers each source as a criterion in decision-making. To deal with a mixture of conflicting evidence, the significance and level of significance of each piece of evidence can be determined using DEMATEL; however, expanding the DEMATEL method with the source theory is required for better conclusions. Screen brightness & colour scheme, CPU frequency, Network, Low power localization and Wi-Fi. Rank using the DEMATEL for Android-based power-saving framework in Screen brightness & colour scheme is got the first rank whereas is the CPU frequency is having the Lowest rank.

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