
Mouse vas deferens protein (MVDP), a member of the aldo-keto reductase superfamily, is exclusively produced in the vas deferens. To better understand androgen-regulated MVDP gene expression we have used RNA hybridization to study the effects of androgens on the steady-state levels of MVDP mRNA in vas deferens epithelial cell subcultures. Northern blot analysis revealed that these cells only express MVDP mRNA in the presence of androgens. There was a close relationship between MVDP mRNA levels and dihydrotestosterone concentrations. MVDP mRNA is induced over a period of 24h and maximal induction is about 25-fold. Treatment of cells with cycloheximide completely abolished the observed androgen effect suggesting that the induction of the MVDP gene by androgens depends on continuous protein synthesis. Transient transfection of vas deferens epithelial cells with MMTV-CAT vector showed that these cells contained functional androgen receptors and that they are a suitable system to study androgen effect on MVDP gene regulatory elements.

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