
To assess the impact of serum androgen levels and androgen receptor CAG polymorphism on sexual function in 45 healthy midlife women living in a heterosexual relationship. Cross-sectional study [Cantonal Ethics Committee Bern (Ref.-Nr. 087/13)]. Association between androgen serum levels, androgen receptor CAG polymorphism and sexual function was assessed by the FSFI-d questionnaire. In our cohort of healthy, midlife, well-educated, middle-class, mostly postmenopausal women living in a heterosexual satisfying partnership, sexual function was perceived to remain stable or to decline during menopausal transition with sexual desire scoring lowest (FSFI-d 3.3 ± 0.9). Androgen serum levels did not correlate with sexual function. Mean CAG repeat number was 21.6 ± 1.9. There was a highly inverse though non-significant correlation between female sexual function and AR CAG repeat polymorphism with specifically higher numbers of CAG repeats being significantly positively correlated to more frequent or more severe pain during or after sexual intercourse. The AR polymorphism is a non-negligible factor in female sexual function. Future studies on female sexual (dys)function should incorporate its assessment.

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