
The numbers of nuclear pore complexes and tight junctions were quantified in the seminal vesicle epithelial cells of castrated and castrated-plus-androgen-treated male rats, which received subcutaneous pellets of testosterone propionate (1 mg/kg body weight) for 1 week. Seminal vesicle weights were 0.284 +/- 0.02 g for castrated, 1.006 +/- 0.006 g for androgen-treated, and 0.918 +/- 0.04 g for untreated groups. Tissue samples were processed for light or electron microscopy and for freeze-fracture techniques. Nuclear areas were measured: controls were 279.34 +/- 8 microns 2; these increased significantly (P less than .001) in castrated-plus-androgen-treated rats (324.66 +/- 11 microns 2) and decreased (P less than .001) in castrated animals (173.14 +/- 6.3 microns 2). Nuclear pore density increased (P less than .001) in castrated-plus-androgen-stimulated rats (5.38 +/- 0.24 pores/microns 2) (control: 4.78 +/- 0.14 pores/microns 2), and decreased (P less than .001) in castrated rats (3.16 +/- 0.14 pores/microns 2). A significant (P less than .001) increase in numbers of tight junction strands that extended in the lateral cell membranes was detected in castrated-plus-androgen-treated rats vs. controls or castrated-only animals.

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