
Does 8 weeks of daily low-dose hCG administration affect androgen or inhibin B levels in serum and/or follicular fluid (FF) during the subsequent IVF/ICSI cycle in women with low ovarian reserve? Androgen levels in serum and FF, and inhibin B levels in serum, decreased following 8 weeks of hCG administration. Recently, we showed that 8 weeks of low-dose hCG priming, in between two IVF/ICSI treatments in women with poor ovarian responder (anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) <6.29 pmol/l), resulted in more follicles of 2-5 mm and less of 6-10-mm diameter at the start of stimulation and more retrieved oocytes at oocyte retrieval. The duration of stimulation and total FSH consumption was increased in the IVF/ICSI cycle after priming. Hypothetically, hCG priming stimulates intraovarian androgen synthesis causing upregulation of FSH receptors (FSHR) on granulosa cells. It was therefore unexpected that antral follicles were smaller and the stimulation time longer after hCG priming. This might indicate a different mechanism of action than previously suggested. Blood samples were drawn on stimulation day 1, stimulation days 5-6, trigger day, day of oocyte retrieval, and oocyte retrieval + 5 days in the IVF/ICSI cycles before and after hCG priming (the control and study cycles, respectively). FF was collected from the first aspirated follicle on both sides during oocyte retrieval in both cycles. The study was conducted as a prospective, paired, non-blinded, single-center study conducted between January 2021 and July 2021 at a tertiary care center. The 20 participants underwent two identical IVF/ICSI treatments: a control cycle including elective freezing of all blastocysts and a study cycle with fresh blastocyst transfer. The control and study cycles were separated by 8 weeks (two menstrual cycles) of hCG priming by daily injections of 260 IU recombinant hCG. Women aged 18-40 years with cycle lengths of 23-35 days and AMH <6.29 pmol/l were included. Control and study IVF/ICSI cycles were performed in a fixed GnRH-antagonist protocol. Inhibin B was lower on stimulation day 1 after hCG priming (P = 0.05). Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) was significantly lower on stimulation day 1 (P = 0.03), and DHEAS and androstenedione were significantly lower on stimulation days 5-6 after priming (P = 0.02 and P = 0.02) The testosterone level in FF was significantly lower in the study cycle (P = 0.008), while the concentrations of inhibin B and androstenedione in the FF did not differ between the study and control cycles. A lower serum inhibin B in the study cycle corresponds with the antral follicles being significantly smaller after priming, and this probably led to a longer stimulation time in the study cycle. This contradicts the theory that hCG priming increases the intraovarian androgen level, which in turn causes more FSHR on developing (antral up to preovulatory) follicles. However, based on this study, we cannot rule out that an increased intra-follicular androgen level was present at initiation of the ovarian stimulation, without elevating the androgen level in serum and that an increased androgen level may have rescued some small antral follicles that would have otherwise undergone atresia by the end of the previous menstrual cycle. We retrieved significantly more oocytes in the Study cycle, and the production of estradiol per follicle ≥10-mm diameter on trigger day was comparable in the study and control cycles, suggesting that the rescued follicles were competent in terms of producing oocytes and steroid hormones. The sample size was small, and the study was not randomized. Our study design did not allow for the measurement and comparison of androgen levels or FSHR expression in small antral follicles before and immediately after the hCG-priming period. The results make us question the mechanism of action behind hCG priming prior to IVF. It is important to design a study with the puncture of small antral follicles before and immediately after priming to investigate the proposed hypothesis. Improved cycle outcomes, i.e. more retrieved oocytes, must be confirmed in a larger, preferably randomized study. This study was funded by an unrestricted grant from Gedeon Richter awarded to the institution. A.P. reports personal consulting fees from PregLem SA, Novo Nordisk A/S, Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S, Gedeon Richter Nordics AB, Cryos International, and Merck A/S outside the submitted work and payment or honoraria for lectures from Gedeon Richter Nordics AB, Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S, Merck A/S, and Theramex and Organon & Co and payment for participation in an advisory board for Preglem. Grants to the institution have been provided by Gedeon Richter Nordics AB, Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S, and Merck A/S, and equipment and travel support has been given to the institution by Gedeon Richter Nordics AB. The remaining authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04643925.

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