
Building on the nonequilibrium Green’s function technique and a canonical transformationof the electron–phonon interaction, this paper focuses on the study of the Andreevreflection conductance and the shot noise in a single quantum dot coupling with localphonon modes. The effect of the intradot spin-flip interaction on the transport properties isconsidered. We pay attention to the effects of the phonon on the Andreev reflectionconductance and the shot noise. It is found that splits due to spin-flip scattering appear notonly in the main Andreev reflection peaks but also in the new satellite peaks.The electron–phonon interaction leads to new satellite resonant peaks that arelocated exactly on the integer number of the phonon frequency. Moreover, the peakheight is sensitive to the electron–phonon coupling. Even if the electron–phononcoupling is weak, the shot noise spectrum shows the phonon mode peaks ratherclearly, but in the Andreev reflection conductance the phonon mode peaks weakly.

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