
Information literacy and composition are two areas of intensifying instructional focus in higher education today, especially since the adoption of the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing by the Council of Writing Program Administrators (WPA) in 2011 and the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education by the ACRL in 2015. Information Literacy and Writing Studies in Conversation presents a thoughtful and concise discussion of the history and institutional structures that have shaped how both composition and information literacy are taught at the university level with particular focus on the opportunities for collaboration presented by the similarly theorized frameworks. Currently Instructional Services Librarian at the University of West Georgia, Andrea Baer’s perspective on these two disciplines is also informed by her doctoral studies in comparative literature and her experience teaching English and composition. Baer’s numerous publications and presentations on the pedagogy of information literacy, the intersection of composition and information literacy, and the instructional implications of the ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education make her voice an important one in the growing body of work on the potential for partnerships between librarians and writing program faculty. With its succinct analysis of both opportunities and obstacles to collaboration, and its plentiful references suggesting areas for further exploration, the book is particularly useful for instruction librarians and writing program faculty currently looking for ways to enrich current instructional offerings and expand beyond traditional one-shot library sessions.

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