
Andragogy of Regional Regulation on No-Smoking Areas is focused on creating non-smoking areas in Bagan Deli Village. The process to involve adult students in a learning experience structure is certainly focused on the community in the Bagan Deli Kelurahan as a community unit that is expected to be able to understand the existence of a non-smoking area as an implementation of the No Smoking Area Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2014. Activities are based the situation in the neighborhood around Kelurahan Bagan Deli where there are still people who smoke in public places or in public facilities such as schools, hospitals, places of worship or in public transportation. The Bagan Deli Village community will be given an understanding of the existence of areas without smoking, knowing which public facilities are not allowed to smoke by attaching signs such as "no smoking" or "smoke-free area" and so forth. The public will also be informed to anyone who smokes in a non-smoking area to report to the authorized officer. From this activity it can be concluded that the lack of awareness of the Bagan Deli Village community on the existence of a No-Smoking Area can be overcome by dedication to this community. The large number of people who smoke in public places (KTR) can be overcome by attaching stickers to the signs forbidden to smoke.

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