
The study used the action research design involving 65 graduate students in two graduate classes. A questionnaire was constructed and tested for reliability (alpha coefficient = 0.9876). The study found that the andragogy in the use of peer reviewed research literature from the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) is effective in increasing the graduate students’ level of awareness and utilization of ISI materials for academic use and in developing the research skills. Exposure to ISI materials enhanced the graduate students’ general understanding of what constitutes quality research that passes international standards. The enabling mechanisms provided by Liceo de Cagayan University have contributed to the success of the andragogy and motivated both the faculty and students to use ISI sources. These mechanisms include ISI online subscription, training of faculty and students on how to access ISI materials, implementation of policy requiring ISI references for oral reports, critical review of literature, online feedback from authors, experiential paper, use of ISI sources in thesis/dissertation of students and faculty research, and use of journal full-text format. Key words - Andragogy, Peer Review, Institute of Scientific Information (ISI), Research Literature, Graduate Programs

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