
Abstract Objectives/Scope This paper examines the fundamentals of learning styles and their current application in leadership programmes at ADCO. A variety of learning style models are presented along with how they have been incorporated into content instructional material. Implications for successful leadership interventions are examined and feedback from past programme participants on the effectiveness of the incorporated learning styles is clearly outlined. Methods/Procedures/Process The three main learning modalities: visual; auditory and kinaesthetic are put into practice using appropriate learning style checklists. Learners' learning style preferences are identified and programme materials are designed to address this diversity. The best instructional approach, regardless of subject matter or grade level, is a deliberate multisensory approach. Three of the learning style models most frequently cited in literature - Myers-Briggs Indicator, Kolb's Learning Style Model, and Honey-Mumford Model are practically applied in ADCO leadership programme delivery. Results/Observations/Conclusions Results from post-programme evaluations, participant surveys and facilitator observations indicate that learners must be involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction. For learning to be truly effective it must take place around current work problems and must have job relevance. Programme facilitators must move learners out of their comfort zones and provide challenges. It is also worth remembering that no one learning style is better or worse than any other. All styles have their own advantages and disadvantages. Learning Agility is of paramount importance i.e. the ability to learn from past experiences and mistakes and transfer that learning to current situations. This paper demonstrates that learners learn best when they are allowed to: test concepts in ‘first time’ situations; engage in concrete experiences; observe and reflect. Novel/Additive Information This study provides practical tips and strategies that address the full spectrum of learning styles that can be used to enhance any leadership programme within an organization. Activities provided are mapped onto the aforementioned three learning style models. Feedback from participants in past ADCO learning interventions are taken into account when planning the activities used in current leadership interventions within the organization.

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