
[The political milieu and motives of Anders Behring Breivik. Expert report delivered at the trial in Oslo, 4 June 2012] When Mattias Gardell was called as an expert witness in the trial of Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, his commission was to uncover Breivik’s political world of ideas. Gardell’s report shows that three currents of ideas primarily influenced Breivik: anti-Muslim racism (Islamophobia), cultural conservative nationalism and anti-feminism. To this, Breivik had added fundaments from white supremacist ideology, Christian right theology and the Templar tradition, framed by a romantic masculine warrior ideal. The report also shows that Breivik was not alone in his political conception of the world and that it can be identified as fascist. Gardell points out that Breivik’s spectacular violence was a performative act, aimed at creating what it refers to: a heroic vanguard of male crusaders, who would cleanse the nation from the enemy within (Cultural Marxists, multiculturalists, feminists) and defeat the external enemy (Muslims) as a prelude to national rebirth. Gardell’s expert report was part of a block of six experts, called in to examine the political philosophy of Breivik and the ideological history of fascism, and it became of great importance for the court’s judgement. On 24th of August 2012, Breivik was declared legally responsible for his actions and sentenced to the severest punishment that Norwegian law has to offer. Publication history: Gardell’s expert report delivered at the trial of Anders Behring Breivik in Oslo on the 4th of June 2013, with a new foreword and afterword by the author. (Published 16 September 2013) Citation: Gardell, Mattias (2013) ”Anders Behring Breiviks politiska hemvist och motivbild. Sakkunnigrapport infor rattegangen i Oslo, 4 juni 2012”, in Det vita faltet II. Samtida forskning om hogerextremism , special issue of Arkiv. Tidskrift for samhallsanalys , issue 2, pp. 185–215. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13068/2000-6217.2.7

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