
Abstract The “Rinkian belt” of West Greenland is a metamorphic terrain of Paleoproterozoic age comprising: (1) the north Rinkian fold-thrust belt (FTB)—a pro- or fore-arc domain, highly deformed and metamorphosed with widespread anatexis; (2) the Prøven Igneous Complex—a magmatic arc characterized by hypersthene granitic rocks (“charnockites”); (3) the south Rinkian FTB—an inverted back-arc basin; and 4) a continental margin or foreland. Recognition of this tectonic architecture demonstrates that the “Rinkian” is a bona fide orogenic belt—the Rinkian orogen— and not simply the imbricated lower plate of the Nagssugtoqidian orogen. Arc plutons of the Prøven Igneous Complex were emplaced into the Karrat Group at ca. 1.90–1.85 Ga, dividing a back-arc basin into pro- and retro-arc domains. In the former—the north Rinkian FTB—WSW-directed thrusting (deformation events D1-D2) and high-grade metamorphism were taking place by ca. 1.875 Ga and were continuous through ca. 1.850 Ga with a peak temperature at ca. 1.830 Ma accompanied by anatexis in the Karrat Group and lower units of the Prøven Igneous Complex. In the retro-arc domain—the south Rinkian FTB—thrusting to the E (D1) began at ca. 1.870 Ma followed by thrusting to the W (D2) at ca. 1.830–1.820 Ga with displacement focused into a major high-temperature ductile shear zone which carried the Prøven Igneous Complex in the hanging wall of an Andean-type, crustal-scale, “pop-up” structure. High-temperature deformation continued during D3 when the pro-arc, arc, and retro-arc domains were shortened by bivergent detachment folding and thrusting at ca. 1.820–1.810 Ga.

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