
Growing numbers of professionals in the field of education for the gifted and talented are advocating cooperatives and practicum experiences as an essential component of graduate preparation (Feldhusen, 1977; Frasier, 1977; Maker, 1975; Nix, 1976). Increasing attention is also being drawn to the need for professionals in gifted education to be innovators or change agents (Curry & Sato, 1977; Frasier, 1977), and the potential value of practica or internships in developing appropriate skills relative to the change agent role. An internship program can serve three basic functions: 1) to develop a system which focuses on providing appropriate experiences for persons preparing to pursue careers in the field of education for gifted/creative/talented students; 2) to make available appropriate experiences relative to training persons to perform specialized tasks, and 3) to assist in the development of a state-wide network of training resources. The Internship Guide described herein contains information relative to fulfilling these purposes. Three types of information are included in the Guide.1 First, a hypothetical timeline of related activities displays the scope and sequencing of a comprehensive internship program. A description of the four basic program components provides an elaboration of the information presented in the timeline. A rationale for each component describes its basic purposes. A Guidelines section includes specific suggestions for implementation. Where appropriate, sample forms relating to the respective components are referenced at the end of each section. The third type of information that might be helpful to prospective internship supervisors is contained in the appendices, where several sample forms are included. (Note: the authors recommend adapting these forms to suit local training program characteristics and needs.)

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