
Themes of Ancient West Mexican art and architecture, Richard F. Townsend the Teuchitlan tradition, Philip Weigan West Mexico prior to the Toltecs - a comparative view, Joseph Mountjoy sacred sun centres, Christopher Witmore the west Mexican art of feasting - consumption and complexity, Kristi Butterwick Huitzilapa Shaft Tomb in Jalisco - interpreting the tomb offerings, Lorenza Lopez Mestas Huitzilapa Shaft Tomb in Jalisco - excavating the tomb, Jorge Ramos de la Vega who was buried in the Huitzilapa Tomb? Robert Pickering rulership iconography, Mark Graham the West Mexican ballgame, Jane Stevenson Day representations of acrobats and contortionists in Prehispanic Mesocamerica, Hasso von Winning the shamanic figures, Peter Furst ceremonial vessels and ancient foodstuffs of Colima, Otto Schondube the Sayula Basin - ancient settlements and resources, Francisco Valdez regional connections across West Mexico - interaction and dominance, Christopher Beekman they came to trade exquisite things - ancient west Mexican-Ecuatorian contacts, Patricia Rieff Anawalt West Mexican art and modernist artist, Barbara Braun.

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