
AbstractSystematic archaeological research began immediately after WW II with work on Iran Age monuments at Kala-i-mir, Boldai-tepe and Baidudasht IV. Of recently studied Hellenistic and post-Hellenistic monuments, the most important is Takhti-Sangin (thought to be the source of the Oxus treasure). More than 5000 votive objects have now been recovered from the temple here (now completely excavated and dated to the first quarter of the 1st c. B.C.). Excavations at Ai-Khanoum prove that the strength and persistence of Hellenic culture seen at the Oxus temple was not unique in Bactria, while a complex now being studied at Dushanbe pushes the range of Greco-Bactrian culture far further to the north than was hitherto thought. Investigation of burial monuments at Tup-khana testifies to the acceptance of Bactrian material culture by incoming nomad groups, whereas study of a Buddhist complex of the 3rd-4th c. A.D. at Ushurmullo shows its continued use down to the 7th-8th c. Ancient written sources on the history of Central Asia have been studied by I.V. Pyankov, whilst E.V. Zeimal has produced a description, classification and analysis of the coin series of the region. Finally, T.P. Kiyatkina has written a series of works on palaeo-anthropological material from Tajikistan and Turkmenia.

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