
IN accordance with their statutory obligation, the Commissioners of Works have published a list of protected ancient monuments which includes monuments added to those recorded in previous lists up to December 31, 1933 (London: H.M. Stationery Office, la. 3d. net). With a view to completeness, the Commissioners have included the names of monuments which are actually in their custody by deed of gift, deed of guardianship or by purchase. They are also responsible for other buildings or properties shown here which are not protected under the Act, but are Crown property. The list now contains the names of no less than 3,600 monuments of all kinds, from prehistoric camps, stone circles and barrows to the remains of abbeys, castles, bridges, etc. Several of the buildings of historic interest are still in occupation, and Glasgow Cathedral and Dunblane Cathedral are also maintained by the Commissioners. Although, as is pointed out in an introductory note by the secretary to the Commissioners, the list cannot be regarded as complete or as covering systematically the whole of the more important ancient monuments of Great Britain, and although it is recognised that much has still to be done, it serves to indicate the wealth of antiquity that has been preserved, and the gratitude due to those who fifty years ago initiated the movement for the official preservation of historic monuments. In this connexion, however, and in view of the constant alarms as to the preservation of structures of historic interest in London, it may be noted that in Middlesex only two, and in London three, ancient monuments are recorded as under protection.

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