
The ancient bayberry demonstrates superior resistance to both biotic and abiotic stresses compared to cultivated bayberry, yet the underlying mechanisms remain largely unexplored. This study investigates whether long-term bayberry cultivation enhances stress resistance through modulation of tissue-specific microbes and metabolites. Employing microbiome amplicon sequencing alongside untargeted mass spectrometry analysis, we scrutinize the role of endosphere and rhizosphere microbial communities and metabolites in shaping the differential resistance observed between ancient and cultivated bayberry trees. Our findings highlight the presence of core microbiome and metabolites across various bayberry tissues, suggesting that the heightened resistance of ancient bayberry may stem from alterations in rhizosphere and endosphere microbial communities and secondary metabolites. Specifically, enrichment of Bacillus in roots and stems, Pseudomonas in leaves, and Mortierella in rhizosphere soil of ancient bayberry was noted. Furthermore, correlation analysis underscores the significance of enriched microbial species in enhancing ancient bayberry's resistance to stresses, with elevated levels of resistance-associated metabolites such as beta-myrcene, benzothiazole, L-glutamic acid, and gamma-aminobutyric acid identified through GC-MS metabolomics analysis. The beneficial role of these resistance-associated metabolites was further elucidated through assessment of their promotive and allelopathic effects, as well as their phytostatic and antioxidant functions in lettuce plants. Ultimately, our study delves into the intrinsic reasons behind the greater resistance of ancient bayberry to biotic and abiotic stresses by evaluating the impact of long-term planting on the microbial community and metabolites in the bayberry endosphere and rhizosphere, shedding light on the complex dynamics of host-microbial interactions.

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