
Vysočina is the region with highest numbers of the smallest villages in the Czech Republic. The current levels of the infrastructure, conditions of living of the inhabitants and chances for development of the communities were examined by means of a questionnaire area survey over the entire number of villages and towns of Vysočina Region in 2007. Survey results were tested as concerns representativity, statistically grouped and ordered in the manner of contingenc tables. For those aspects, where the community representatives felt a degree of deterioration a detailed statistical analysis was carried out. For the groups of villages up to 199 head and up to 499 head significance tests were carried out first and the degree of dependence measured by the Cramer coefficient. Statistical significance was an argument for deeper analyses. Sign sketches for 0,1 %, 1 % and 5 % significance levels were prepared for all the contingency tables. The answers of the conjuncture research were reduced to an alternative statistical variable and association was further studied between the village size and the problem areas of the community development. Probabilities of the separate variants were stated and risks and chances were evaluated for the possibilities for the smallest villages to be threatened as compared with the larger ones. The research results are presented in the shape of risk probabilities, both the relative and absolute ones, using the less applied measures for the risk measurement in two-way contingency tables. The computations are commented verbally and they bring new looks upon the perception of increased risk and chances improvement problems by means of qualitative statistical attributes. The solution is not only practically important but it offers an applicable general methodology instruction, too, for detailed analyses in the empirical research of qualitative phenomena.

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