
The Chukchi Sea basin is located offshore from the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA). The petroleum exploration history of the Chukchi Sea basin goes back to 1969. Although several wells were drilled, none of them revealed encouraging amounts of oil and gas accumulations. Exploration efforts have been limited mainly to geophysical exploratory work. Increasing recent interest in this area has led to a basin analysis study using available data acquired over the past two decades, in relation to petroleum evolution. This study applies a two-dimensional computer simulation model to the Chukchi Sea basin. An automatic procedure, termed dynamical tomography, uses available measured data to search for the best parameters within a specified range. In an integrated manner the model then simulates (1) geohistory and structural development, (2) thermal history, and (3) organic matter evolution. The outputs include both data tables and plots (in both one and two dimensions). These outputs provide detailed information on the spatial evolution with time of fluid pressure, formation temperature, thermal indicator indices (like Waples' TTI and vitrinite reflectance), porosity, and hydrocarbon generation, migration, and accumulation. In this way the hydrocarbon proneness of various parts of the basin can be evaluated.

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