
The aim of this study was to describe the anatomy of the distal radioulnar ligament in the cat, using gross and histological sections from cadaveric feline carpi. Eight feline cadaveric distal radioulnar joints were included in the study, including six that were paraffin- and two that were polymethyl methacrylate-embedded. Each of the sections of the distal radioulnar joint and ligament were viewed macroscopically and microscopically using a dissection microscope and a standard light microscope with polarising capacity. On gross examination, the distal radioulnar ligament could be seen as a triangular-shaped structure extending between the dorsal surface of the distal radius and ulna. The centre of the ligament had a greater density of tightly packed collagen fibres, while fibrocartilage was identified at the site of both the radial and ulnar entheses. Articular cartilage was noted to extend to the most proximal part of the bulbous portion of the distal ulna and corresponding axial aspect of the distal radius. In the cat, there appears to be a less extensive interosseous component of the distal radioulnar ligament compared with the dog and cheetah. Instead, the ligament follows the articular surfaces of the distal radius and ulna. These anatomical differences may account for increased rotation of the feline antebrachium and have clinical implications, particularly with regard to the management of antebrachiocarpal joint injuries.

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