
To address the lack of high-quality training labels in positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, weakly-supervised reconstruction methods that generate network-based mappings between prior images and noisy targets have been developed. However, the learned model has an intrinsic variance proportional to the average variance of the target image. To suppress noise and improve the accuracy and generalizability of the learned model, we propose a conditional weakly-supervised multi-task learning (MTL) strategy, in which an auxiliary task is introduced serving as an anatomical regularizer for the PET reconstruction main task. In the proposed MTL approach, we devise a novel multi-channel self-attention (MCSA) module that helps learn an optimal combination of shared and task-specific features by capturing both local and global channel-spatial dependencies. The proposed reconstruction method was evaluated on NEMA phantom PET datasets acquired at different positions in a PET/CT scanner and 26 clinical whole-body PET datasets. The phantom results demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art learning-free and weakly-supervised approaches obtaining the best noise/contrast tradeoff with a significant noise reduction of approximately 50.0% relative to the maximum likelihood (ML) reconstruction. The patient study results demonstrate that our method achieves the largest noise reductions of 67.3% and 35.5% in the liver and lung, respectively, as well as consistently small biases in 8 tumors with various volumes and intensities. In addition, network visualization reveals that adding the auxiliary task introduces more anatomical information into PET reconstruction than adding only the anatomical loss, and the developed MCSA can abstract features and retain PET image details.

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