
Background: Spleen is the large lymphoid organ that is situated in the left hypochondriac region and is usually wedge shaped. It has two ends, two surfaces and three margins. Superior margin of the spleen possesses characteristic notches. Normally spleen is not palpable. It develops in dorsal mesogastrium during the 5th week of fetal life from a mass of mesenchymal cells. Objectives: The present study explains the morphology of spleen 1.To determine the length of spleen 2.To determine the breadth of spleen 3.To determine the thickness of spleen 4.To determine the variations in notches & shape of spleen 5.To compare the morphometric measurements with previous studies Results: In our study, the length, breadth and thickness of spleen was 9.19 cm, 6.61 cm and 3.25 cm respectively. The length of spleen ranged between 5-8cm in 35% of spleens, 8.1-10cm in 35%, 10.1-12cm in 24%and >12.1cm in 6% of spleens studied. Majority of the length of spleens ranged between 5-8cm and 8.1-10cm. The breadth ranged between 3.5-5.5cm in 25% of spleens, 5.6-7.5cm in 45%, 7.6-9.5cm in 20% and 9.6-11.5cm in 10% of spleens studied. The maximum range of breadth of spleen was 5.6-7.5cm in our study. The thickness of spleen ranged between 1-4cm in 82% of spleens, 4.1-6cm in 10% of spleens and 6.1-8cm in 8% of spleen maximum being 1-4cm. 5 fissures and 6 lobules in one of the spleens were observed. These fissures were from the superior border. A deep fissure on the diaphragmatic surface was also observed. The shape of spleen was wedge shaped in 34 % of the spleens being the maximum and next was oval shaped spleens and heart shaped spleens and crescent shaped spleens were the least found in 1% only. The weight of the spleen ranged between 40-500gms, heaviest being 461.1 gms in one of the spleen and least being 47.8gms. Conclusion: The detailed knowledge on variations of spleen is important in clinical practice to avoid and prevent any complications and to obtain a good operative, as well as diagnostic intervention. Keywords: Splenic notches, Polysplenia, Wandering spleen

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