
Introduction: Variations in Extra-hepatic biliary tract are noticed. The common variations are intrahepaticunion of right and left hepatic ducts, accessory hepatic ducts, different mode of termination of commonhepatic duct, cystic duct and common bile duct.Objective: To identify the Variations in the Extra-hepatic Biliary tree, which comprises of Right and LeftHepatic duct, Cystic Duct, Common Hepatic Duct, Common Bile Duct and Gall Bladder.Materials and Methods: This study was conducted at Saraswathi institute of medical sciences(HAPUR,U.P)during the period between October 2017 to September 2019. A total of 200 patients reporting with gallbladder disease was recruited in the study in whom laparoscopic cholecystectomy was attempted.Results: Overall, among 200 patients, a total of 50 patients had some amount of anatomical variations.Around 10% patients showed cystic duct variations, 18% showed extra-hepatic biliary tree variations, andanother 7% patients showed arterial variations.Conclusion: We found Around 10% patients (one-fourth) showed cystic duct variations, 18% showed extrahepatic biliary tree variations, and another 7% patients showed arterial variations which is comparable andanalogous to previous incidence rate.

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