
The aim of the study was to investigate the anatomy of the anterior nerve and artery of the elbow joint to provide reference on the relevant surgical approach to the elbow joint, and determine a simple better surgical approach for the treatment of part of the fractures of the elbow joint. The upper extremities of 10 adult cadavers fixed by formaldehyde and perfused with red latex in the artery were observed to investigate the anatomic structure of the anterior approach to the elbow joint. From the clearance of the brachioradialis and pronator teres muscle to the approach of the neurovascular interval, we observed the states of the median nerve, the brachial, radial and ulnar arteries, and its branches through anatomical layers and measurement methods. Through the anterior neurovascular interval approach to the elbow, nerve and artery can be protected, and the anterior structures of the elbow, such as the ulna coronoid process, humeroulnar joint and trochlea of the humerus, can be exposed. This study demonstrates that the anterior anatomical structure of the elbow joint including the trochlea of the humerus, coronoid process of the ulna and the front capsule of the elbow can be exposed through the anterior neurovascular approach to the elbow.

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