
This invesJigaJion was conducted to evaluate the shrimp flesh (SF) and shrimp by-product (SB) of the most abundant shrimp species (Metapenaeus affinis, Penaeus semisulcatus and Penaeus monodon) caught in Central Vietnam, with the emphasis on yield, gross and amino acid (AA) composition and effect of heat treatment. The results showed that the mean edible SF and SB (head and shells with tail) yields of the three shrimp species averaged 56.7 and 43.3%, respectively, of the total wet body weight, with the M. affinis generating the highest by-product yield (45.7%) and P. semisu/catu.s (40.6%) the lowest. Significant differences in dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and ash content were found between SF and SB. The DM content of SF (21.5%) was lower than of SB (24.9%) and the ash content (on a DM basis) of the SB in all shrimp species was more than three times that of the SF (p 0.05). (Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 2000. Vol. 13, No. 10 : 1422-1428)


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