
A controversial issue in anuran systematics is the relationship of Leiopelma to other anurans because recent phylogenetic constructions imply different relationships among the basal frogs. Of particular evolutionary interest is whether early development of Leiopelma resembles an ancestral salamander-like larva, an anuran tadpole, or neither. In the 1950s, Neville G. Stephenson hypothesized that direct development is the primary mode of development in amphibians, based on the fact that Leiopelma spp. lack a free-living (=feeding) larval stage. Although this hypothesis has not been generally accepted, it has not been formally refuted. We review Stephenson's work on Leiopelma and examine the anatomy of embryos/"larvae" of the four extant Leiopelma species for evidence of vestigial larval features that might refute the "direct-developing ancestor" hypothesis. We describe internal oral features in early developmental stages of Leiopelma and compare Leiopelma with a closely related basal anuran, Ascaphus, to assess whether their early developmental stages share any derived features. In Leiopelma hochstetteri, embryos/larvae have open gill slits and some faint rugosities around one gill slit that may be vestiges of gill rakers or filters. They also have more intestinal loops, indicative of an elongated alimentary tract, at earlier rather than late embryonic/larval stages. Collectively, these features support the view that the ancestor of Leiopelma had a free-swimming, free-feeding, aquatic larva. The palatoquadrate of Leiopelma archeyi reorients approximately 40 degrees from a more horizontal to a more vertical position through embryonic/"larval" development. This amount of cranial remodeling is intermediate between that seen in salamanders (17-27 degrees) and that reported for Ascaphus (64 degrees ) and other basal frogs (71-78 degrees) at metamorphosis. We found no internal oral features that Leiopelma shares specifically with Ascaphus. However, Leiopelma embryos have a ventrally positioned mouth and a downturned rostrum, characteristic of Ascaphus and other stream-adapted tadpoles.

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