
The paper examines the historical development of the anatomical collection of the office of plastic anatomy at the National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture as a component of methodological support of the discipline. The classification of this collection is provided, namely: anatomical models, écorchés, skeletons, anatomical manuals, atlases, tables, slides, anatomical drawings, etc. Its cultural and historical significance was highlighted. These visual materials and models helped the anatomy teachers to develop their own methods of teaching the anatomical drawing, which corresponded to the programs of other departments, namely, the Department of Drawing and Sculpture. The influence of this methodological support on the students’ educational activities in the NAFAA plastic anatomy room is indisputable, the requirements to practical tasks during the anatomical drawing from anatomical preparations and manuals are formulated. The aim of the study was to outline the history of creation and replenishment of the anatomical collection in the office of plastic anatomy at the National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture, which isimportant both for methodological support of educational process of art education and is a significant component in teaching the discipline of plastic anatomy. Archival and private sources, electronic resources and interviews, visual aids and manuals on plastic anatomy were used in the literature review. Based on the analysis of this investigation, labels were found that list the place and year of manufacture. Today the anatomical collection in the plastic anatomy room of the National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture is the largest in comparison with other art institutions of Ukraine, and can be the subject of a separate art historical study.

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