
The histology of blood vessels shows they are structured in three layers or tunics: tunica intima, which includes the internal limiting lamina with high elastin content; tunica media of smooth muscles fibers of circular disposition, which includes the external limiting lamina; and tunica adventitia of connective tissue. The vascular system is essential in regulating body temperature, especially in the scrotum and testis. This study aimed to analyze the histology of the scrotal arteries and their possible relationship to testicular temperature homeostasis. This study used scrotal samples from human adults, anonymized and obtained from the University of Chile's teaching bank. The control group corresponds to an arteriole of muscle tissue. The results show that the middle layer of the scrotal artery is made up of smooth muscle fibers distributed in two layers: a longitudinal inner sublayer and a circular outer sublayer, different from the findings in muscle tissue arteries, with a single, circularly arranged muscle layer. This arrangement could be related to testicular temperature homeostasis by reducing the temperature of the testis and seminiferous tubules. The results described in this work suggest that these anatomical adaptations may be very significant in the face of the constant increase in global temperature. Further and better research is required to understand the mechanisms of thermoregulation in human reproduction and the histological particularities of the tissues that form the scrotum. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: The human scrotal artery has a histological composition adapted for regulation of testicular temperature. The muscular double middle layer of the scrotal artery retains intravascular temperature.

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