
The leaf anatomy of Tillandsia crocata (E. Morren) Baker, T. gardneri Lindl., T. geminiflora Brongn., T. linearis Vell., T. lorentziana Griseb., T. mallemontii Glaziou ex Mez, T. recurvata L., T. streptocarpa Baker, T. stricta Soland ex Sims, T. tenuifolia L., T. usneoides L., and Tillandsia sp. were studied. They occur in the Campos Gerais, State of Parana, southern Brazil. In surface view epidermis presents cells with linear to sinuous anticlinal walls, silica bodies and scales covering anomocytic stomata. Epidermis and first hypodermal layer are lignified. Transversal view reveals below surface stomata, aquiferous parenchyma, longitudinal air canals and collateral vascular bundles with double sheath. These anatomical features are xeromorphic and usually considered as an adaptation to the epiphytic habit of the atmospheric Tillandsia. Moreover, they could be also used for diagnostic purposes. Leaf shape in cross section, cuticle ornamentation, epidermal scale structures, thickening of the epidermal wall cells, stomata distribution, structure and distribution of the aquiferous parenchyma cells, presence of air canals, and size of vascular bundle could help the taxonomic delimitation of the species within the genus.

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