
It is emphasized that anastomosis of the vas deferens has been succe ssful in a sufficient number of cases to justify its more frequent perfo rmance. In 6 cases operated on by the author normal sperm counts were later found in 5. Also in 1 case with tuberculous epididymitis a normal sperm count followed resection of the diseases tissue. Vasectomi es of these patients had been done from 3 to 13 years previously. In 1 successful case a previous unsuccessful operation had been done elsewhe re to correct the condition. An intraluminal splinting silkworm suture was used in each case. This was removed after 4-6 days. Minimal dissection and gentleness was used in handling tissues. Mattress-type sutures were placed to retain approximation of vas ends with minimal tension. Very fine silk sutures were used at the anostomoses with care taken to avoid penetrating the lumens. The operation is recommended in selected cases.

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