
Faced with the guidelines contained in documents approved by the National Electric Power Agency PRODIST - Module 8, amongst other indicators of electric power supply quality the harmonic distortions appear as an important issue. The mentioned regulation takes into account specific points such as definitions, measurement procedures, benchmarks, etc. Focusing the subject of voltage distortions and the establishment of approaches to determine the responsibility for possible violations of given limits emerges the present paper. This has been recognized as attractive research topic and the literature has points out procedures to characterize the responsibility of a given distortion level due to supplier and consumer. One of the most widespread solutions is the determination by the superposition principles. Having this in mind, the current paper proposes to conduct a critical analysis performance of the superposition methodology throughout two ways, one by looking at the current contributions in a given busbar and the other by focusing the voltage harmonic. The studies highlight that in relation to the PRODIST requirements, the use of the current components show that the methodology do not offer a proper indication whilst the use of the harmonic voltage components seems to provide a promising manner of dealing with the identification of the harmonic distortion responsibility.

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