
Abstract- E-commerce has become an indispensable part of the retail industry with online shopping gaining increasing popularity among consumers. To meet the expectations of online shoppers, e-commerce businesses are turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict customer behavior and personalize the shopping experience. The aim of this research paper is to analyze the role of AI in predicting customer behavior and personalizing the shopping experience in e- commerce. The study begins with a comprehensive literature review that examines the current state of knowledge on customer behavior, personalization techniques, and the types of AI used in e-commerce. By reviewing the literature and analyzing relevant case studies, we provide a comprehensive overview of this important and rapidly evolving area of AI in e-commerce. We find that AI has the potential to significantly improve the accuracy of predicting customer behavior and to increase conversion rates through personalized recommendations. However, the ethical and privacy implications of using AI in e-commerce must be carefully considered, and it must be used responsibly and transparently. Keywords- Artificial Intelligence, Ecommerce

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