
Since our Punjab school education department employs personnel in thousands, the monitoring of an individual’s output is essential. Output determination is the function of performance appraisal which is carried out periodically to assess the contribution of each person under evaluation. It is naturally recognized that a man does complete his assignment when he is too much interested to get it done or he finds himself under observation by a controlling authority.  The study was intended to measure the role of the existing performance appraisal system towards the professional excellence of secondary school teachers. One hundred and eighty six secondary school teachers were found available as a sample to mark the questionnaire. The researcher himself developed a questionnaire for the teachers to seek their opinions on the present performance appraisal system. The data collected were analyzed with descriptive statistics and linear regressions. The 64.51 % of the respondents (Secondary Schools Teachers) affirm that their appraisal system does encourage nepotism and favoritism and 90 % of the respondents from Secondary schools believe that staff is promoted/rewarded/punished or dismissed based on properly laid down criteria while 10 % of the respondents are of the contrary opinion. In secondary schools, 92% of the respondents think that the appraiser encounters difficulties in the appraisal of subordinates. 56.4 % of the respondents believe that the effects of inefficient appraisal on their establishment would be lack of adequate motivation, while 6.9 % of respondents held the view that inefficient appraisal would result in sabotage and conflicts. It is evident that 100 percent of respondents under study agree that the only way to eradicate the problem of inefficient appraisal and lapse in the performance appraisal of employees in their different organizations is to entrench equity, justice, and fair play by objectively appraising performance without bias, nepotism, and favoritism. The performance appraisal system contributed 45% to the professional excellence of the teachers. Some strong recommendations were also written based on findings to see the performance appraisal system more effective. The appraisal system must be clear and transparent. No personal prejudices, likes/dislikes and social disputes are to be valued while writing the performance appraisal report of a teacher.

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