
In this paper, we present analysis of non-concurrent model of fast single-database Private Information Retrieval (PIR) scheme for maintaining data privacy with data confidentiality using encryption algorithm like AES for Outsourced Database Service (ODBS) Model. In this model encryption method maintains data confidentiality and a utility that help to create PIR reply which maintains data privacy. Single-database PIR schemes are generally unusable because of its expensiveness from computational point of view. This model suggests use of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) commodity to process database. This model will help to achieve practical implementation of single-database PIR scheme which uses encryption algorithm to maintain data confidentiality as secondary goal and it serves to create database reply to maintain data privacy as primary goal. This paper shows some real time results that proves need of concurrency in PIR algorithms. Our paper describes the use of lattice based single-database PIR protocol with GPU as a processing unit to achieve high speed-up and hence, the performance of the system.


  • A PIR scheme is a protocol in wh ich user retrieves a record or set of records out of n records fro m the database which has been outsourced by hiding the contents from service providers or database admin istrators

  • In order to preserve data privacy replicas of the database have been stored at the service provider end

  • GPGPU applications make use of graphic processing units (GPU) as massively parallel processors, turned away fro m their original purpose but highly efficient in numerous application domains. Co mbin ing both speed and bandwidth due to their parallel architecture, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) are an attractive choice for co mplex computations compared to trad itional CPU since they exhib it significant perfo rmance overheads, and are supported by constantly improving high-level p rogramming language provided by both GPU vendors and the academic community

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A PIR scheme is a protocol in wh ich user retrieves a record or set of records out of n records fro m the database which has been outsourced by hiding the contents from service providers or database admin istrators. Since service provider does not know the result of the query has calculated from which copy of the database Another way is to allow a user to retrieve privately an element of a non-replicated database known as single-database PIR schemes. If in a given protocol, it doesn’t process some set of records, the database administrator will learn that, the user is not interested in them. Number-theoretic schemes have a very expensive cost per bit mu ltip licat ion over a large modulus in the database. This limits both the database size and the throughput shared by the u s ers

Overall Design of Proposed Model
Request Generati on
Answer Encodi ng
Informati on Extracti on
Description of the Proposed Scheme
Experimentation and Results
Reply Generation of GPGPU
Full Text
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