
Frequency mismatch has been a problem in time series econometrics. Many monthly economic and financial indicators are normally aggregated to match quarterly macroeconomic series such as Gross Domestic Product when performing econometric analysis. However, temporal aggregation, although widely accepted, is prone to information loss. To address this issue, mixed frequency modelling is employed by using state space models with time-varying parameters. Quarter-on-quarter growth rate of GDP estimates are treated as monthly series with missing observation. Using Kalman filter algorithm, state space models are estimated with eleven monthly economic indicators as explanatory variables. A one-step-ahead forecast for GDP growth rates is generated and as more indicators are included in the model, the predicted values became closer to the actual data. Further evaluation revealed that among the group competing models, using Consumer Price Index (CPI), growth rates of Philippine Stock Exchange Index (PSEi), Exchange Rate, Real Money Supply, Wholesale Price Index (WPI) and Merchandise Exports are the more important determinants of GDP growth and generated the most desirable forecasts (lower forecast errors).

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