
Cotton production has been very much bountiful in the regions of india, circling the states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu. The hybrid line of Bt cotton has many advantages like of resisting jassids, aphids and pink bollworm which poses a big economic threat to the production. Bt cotton led the development of “gene revolution” in India. The HD-SS gene variety of Bt cotton enhanced profits and reduced seed and insecticides cost. Along with uplifting the food security of the nation its has also quite negative effects which are mainly making the respective soil exhaustive after the harvest, some soils are claimed to be non-preferable for the production and also creating a ill-commotion in the cattle. Bt crops releases a sort of Bt toxins which lowers the soil chemical and biological activity. The adoption rate of the Bt cotton has been majorly found in the northern states of India with the farmers and the stakeholders being having a large portion of the land. During the 2014, it was being observed in the rate of adoption of Bt cotton shown a very drastic increase and also the shape of the graph formed a Roger’s “S” Shaped curve. The farm science centres (KVKs), proved itself to be the most influencing and playing a major role in the demonstration of ipm (integrated pest management) of the Bt cotton through trainings, front line demonstration (FLD), on farm trials (OFT) and other extension activities which enhanced the overall development of Bt cotton.

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