
AbstractKarst vadose zone heterogeneity creates complex transmission and storage dynamics that affect the timing and magnitude of aquifer recharge. Young, high‐matrix permeability eogenetic karst aquifers may have significantly higher matrix storage than older, lower matrix permeability counterparts. In vulnerable and water‐limited karst regions, the timescales of storage may be important for seasonal and sub‐seasonal water resource management. We create a framework to quantify storage dynamics in karst aquifers using high‐resolution precipitation and groundwater levels from the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer in the US territory of Guam. We estimate recharge using the Water Table Fluctuation method, and then develop transfer functions between precipitation and recharge to quantify storage and release of water from the vadose zone. The transfer functions are partitioned into different flow pathways including conduit, conduit/matrix, and slowly draining matrix. Probability distributions are fit to each pathway to determine the average travel times of infiltrated waters. The results show that aquifer recharge through secondary porosity features typically occurs within a few hours of a rainfall event, but this rapid recharge accounts for only 12%–28% of total recharge. The majority of aquifer recharge (>70%) occurs within a month of a contributing storm event. An additional 10% of recharge, on average, took longer than a month to reach the water table. The framework established can help improve the hydrological modeling and freshwater management for karst aquifers.

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