
Reading comprehension is the ability to process text, understand meaning, and synthesize it with what the reader already understands. In this industrial era 4.0, reading mastery is very important for students, because they can gain a lot of knowledge and information. In fact, every student in reading class may have their own difficulties especially in understanding English reading. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine students' reading comprehension difficulties and identify student responses to the survey. Data was collected using a questionnaire distributed to 30 students at UIN KH Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto. In collecting data, researchers used 12 questionnaires which were used to collect data. The participants in this study were English students in their fourth year of study. This study uses quantitative methods to describe the research results. Based on statistical data shows that most of the students feel they have difficulty in reading comprehension and did not understand the content they had read because their level was intermediate learners. Lack of confidence and motivation in reading make them fail before trying to understand the content of the reading. However, as English students they should know about reading comprehension strategies themselves.

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