
We analyze and compare three different schemes that can be used to generate entanglement between spin qubits in optically-active single solid-state quantum systems. Each scheme is based on first generating entanglement between the spin degree of freedom and either the photon number, the time bin, or the polarization degree of freedom of photons emitted by the systems. We compute the time evolution of the entanglement generation process by decomposing the dynamics of a Markovian master equation into a set of propagation superoperators conditioned on the cumulative detector photon count. We then use the conditional density operator solutions to compute the efficiency and fidelity of the final spin-spin entangled state while accounting for spin decoherence, optical pure dephasing, spectral diffusion, photon loss, phase errors, detector dark counts, and detector photon number resolution limitations. We find that the limit to fidelity for each scheme is restricted by the mean wavepacket overlap of photons from each source, but that these bounds are different for each scheme. We also compare the performance of each scheme as a function of the distance between spin qubits.

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