
During the many issues that confront the world today ranging from the Covid-19 pandemic to various forms of discrimination that result to hate crimes and other forms of marginalization, Pope Francis issued a social teaching entitled Fratelli Tutti, On Fraternity and Social Friendship. This encyclical draws inspiration from St. Francis’ concept of fraternitas and human solidarity. The study employed an analysis inspired by Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutical framework which consists of the world behind the text, the world of the text, and the world before the text, to examine its content, context, and application. The research analyzes the document itself, its structure, genre, style of writing and key social encyclical concepts namely human dignity, solidarity and the common good against the backdrop of a “throw-away culture”, an individualistic understanding of freedom and exclusivity. The document educates people to cross borders and build bridges through new ways of encounter. 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