
According to Reporters without Borders, Pakistan occupies 157th position in the World Press Freedom Index 2022 out of 180 countries. FATA is considered as the most dangerous area for the journalists in Pakistan. They face harassment, threats, threating calls, kidnaping, beating and even death. Journalists cannot report on sensitive issues in FATA region. The study strives to find out the challenges the journalists face in FATA, to know the reasons why these challenges exist and finally to find out the best possible solutions for these issues. On the pinning of the Hierarchy of Influential Model has been utilized. To address the posed research questions to examine the freedom of press, a survey was designed and reached out to the working journalists of FATA region. The results show that journalists are facing censorship and pressures from owners and different extremist groups. Majority of the journalists also receive instructions and pressures from law enforcing agencies for the favorable coverage. The study further states that journalists are not free to report the events from the war zones if it is against the law enforcing agencies.

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