
The article considers web representations of libraries as important modern information channels through which the libraries operate in the virtual space. The author provides conceptual rationale for improving the operational efficiency of the current level of library web sites based on the data analysis of modern web analytics systems. The article studies the analytical potential of tools for optimizing web resources in the information environment, substantiates scientific and applied interest in the methods of assessment of library web site using the capabilities of analytical systems, analysed from three angles: evaluation of web resources by means of key indicators, assessment of goal achievement and evaluation by means of visual analytical maps. To solve the set tasks there were used analytical tools: Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrics. The author carried out the study to determine the goal achievement and relevance of the web site sections using the example of the State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GPNTB SB RAS) web site. To assess the efficiency of library web resources, it is important not only to obtain statistical data from analytical tools, but also to interpret them correctly. The article presents an attempt of qualitative assessment of some key performance indicators. Collection and analysis of webometric indicators of analytical tools are of practical value, being an impetus to action — reorganization of library web resources. Based on the data analysis of Yandex.Metrics visual heat maps, the corresponding changes have been made to the web site menu. The author conducted comparative analysis of the web site traffic data before and after the changes made. The study concluded that the use of modern analytical tools in the web site management has positive dynamics for its development on the web environment. The results of the use of modern analytical tools for evaluation of library sites demonstrate the importance of their use in analysis of the efficiency of library in the virtual space, which, in turn, will have a positive impact on improving the image and competitiveness in the information and library sphere as a whole.

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