
Rapid urbanization and industrialization has led to unchecked proliferation of hazardous industries in and around Hyderabad, unchecked and unregulated distribution and management of urban resources especially green areas, water bodies and the combination of above aspects with large scale urban sprawl have all made Hyderabad an unmanaged polluting city. One of the major problems 'Water Pollution' is referred to the addition to water an excess of material that is harmful to humans, animals, or desirable aquatic life, or otherwise causes significant departures from the normal activities of various living communities, in or near bodies of water. The term water pollution refers to any type of aquatic contamination between two extremes: A highly enriched over productive biotic community such as river or lake with nutrients from sewer or fertilizer. Water bodies poisoned by toxic chemicals, which eliminate living organizing, exclude all forms of life. Many steps are being taken to keep pollutants from reaching groundwater supplies. Manufacturers should use fewer toxic raw materials. Consumers have switched to phosphate-free detergents and other less polluting household products. Pollution control measures such as the Clean Water Act have also been a big part of the protection of drinking water supplies. Reutilization and Recycling of Waste: Various kinds of wastes like paper pulp, municipal and industrial effluents, sewage and thermal pollutants can be recycled to advantage. For example, urban waste could be recycled to generate cheaper fuel gas and electricity. Removal of Pollutants- The various physicochemical techniques used for removal of chemical biological or radiological pollutants have been adsorption, electro dialysis, ion exchange and reverse osmosis etc.

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