
Lepa is considered as an important and initial chikitsa in reference with Vranashotha chikitsa described by Acharya Sushruta [1] and when the lepa is applied around the eyes it is termed as Vidalaka. It is indicated in acute inflammatory conditions of eyes such as daha (burning sensation), updeha (discharge), ashru (watering) shopha (swelling) and raga (redness) [2]. Vidalaka is a topical therapy, applied to the outer surface of the eyelids leaving the eyelashes [3], used in many eye diseases like Anjananamika (Hordeolum) and Abhishyanda (Conjunctivitis). Yashtayadi lepa is one of such compounds for Vidalaka Karma mentioned by Acharya Sharangadhara in Sharangadhara Samhita and described as Sarvanetrarujahara Yoga. It consists of Yastimadhu, Gairika, Saindhav, Daruharidra and Rasanjana as its main ingredients. Rasanjana and Daruharidra are the major drugs that help in alleviating the acute conditions of eyes [4]. The combined effect of this lepa has Netrarujanashaka (analgesic), Netrakandunashak (anti-pruritic), Vrananashaka (anti-bacterial), Vedanasthapaka (soothing) and Shophanashaka (anti-inflammatory) properties and are predominantly works on vitiated pitta and rakta. With this background the present study was undertaken to analyze Yashtayadi lepa in one of the ocular diseases and presence of its components as recommended in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API) through pharmacognostical study and physicochemical analysis.

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