
Freely accessible and non-confidential real-life geological data sets from mineral deposits are desirable for the wide range of applications in research and education. However, publicly available statistical data are limited in their number and quality—they contain reduced information about geological, geophysical, geotechnical, chemical, mineralogical, and other relevant properties of deposits. This makes such data insufficient for scientific purposes. However, the amount of geological knowledge obtained for a variety of deposits in the past allows the construction of an idealized synthetic ore body model using analytical approach. Such a model could be used for education purposes and testing basic scientific theories, e.g., visualization of deposit structure; teaching sampling strategies; testing new algorithms for mine planning; or comparing geostatistical modeling methods. This paper presents an analytical approach to simulate volcanic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits and shows how synthetic deposit model can be constructed and further used for studying sampling with drilling and simulating folding and faulting.

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