
In the music industry, researchers have been developing an approach to music as an informational phenomenon for decades. Interest in music as information becomes especially noticeable with the development of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence algorithms are used to determine musical preferences, provide personal recommendations on streaming services, and compose music. Artificial intelligence is predicted to have a strong impact on the music content creation process. Modern music software tools are showing impressive results. However, musical systems based on artificial intelligence lack human intelligence, i.e., the ability to understand the meaning of musical works. Focus on software and insufficient attention to human intelligence indicate that the problem of creating musical artificial intelligence remains extremely underestimated and is one of the urgent problems of modern information technologies. Objective of the research: theoretical substantiation and development of a convergent approach to the creation of musical systems based on artificial intelligence. Methods: information and semantic method for the study of cultural exchanges in the musical environment by A.B. Kayak; theoretical analysis of the probabilistic approach to the problem of meaning by V.V. Nalimov; method of probabilistic evaluation of meanings by S.G. Fadushin. Results: the analytical framework is provided for a convergent approach to the creation of musical systems based on artificial intelligence. The obtained results will allow to create information and control systems based on artificial intelligence in the musical environment. The information provided in the article may be of theoretical and practical interest for researchers and developers of artificial intelligence in the field of the music industry. The results may also be used by teachers, students, graduate students, researchers studying the philosophy and sociology of musical culture.

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