
Abstract The equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CC) and similarity transformed equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (STEOM-CC) methods have been firmly established as accurate and routinely applicable extensions of single-reference coupled-cluster theory to describe electronically excited states. An overview of these methods is provided, with emphasis on the many-body similarity transform concept that is the key to a rationalization of their accuracy. The main topic of the paper is the derivation of analytical energy gradients for such non-variational electronic structure approaches, with an ultimate focus on obtaining their detailed algebraic working equations. A general theoretical framework using Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers is presented, and the method is applied to formulate the EOM-CC and STEOM-CC gradients in abstract operator terms, following the previous work in [P.G. Szalay, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 55 (1995) 151] and [S.R. Gwaltney, R.J. Bartlett, M. Nooijen, J. Chem. Phys. 111 (1999) 58]. Moreover, the systematics of the Lagrange multiplier approach is suitable for automation by computer, enabling the derivation of the detailed derivative equations through a standardized and direct procedure. To this end, we have developed the SMART (Symbolic Manipulation and Regrouping of Tensors) package of automated symbolic algebra routines, written in the Mathematica programming language. The SMART toolkit provides the means to expand, differentiate, and simplify equations by manipulation of the detailed algebraic tensor expressions directly. The Lagrangian multiplier formulation establishes a uniform strategy to perform the automated derivation in a standardized manner: A Lagrange multiplier functional is constructed from the explicit algebraic equations that define the energy in the electronic method; the energy functional is then made fully variational with respect to all of its parameters, and the symbolic differentiations directly yield the explicit equations for the wavefunction amplitudes, the Lagrange multipliers, and the analytical gradient via the perturbation-independent generalized Hellmann–Feynman effective density matrix. This systematic automated derivation procedure is applied to obtain the detailed gradient equations for the excitation energy (EE-), double ionization potential (DIP-), and double electron affinity (DEA-) similarity transformed equation-of-motion coupled-cluster singles-and-doubles (STEOM-CCSD) methods. In addition, the derivatives of the closed-shell-reference excitation energy (EE-), ionization potential (IP-), and electron affinity (EA-) equation-of-motion coupled-cluster singles-and-doubles (EOM-CCSD) methods are derived. Furthermore, the perturbative EOM-PT and STEOM-PT gradients are obtained. The algebraic derivative expressions for these dozen methods are all derived here uniformly through the automated Lagrange multiplier process and are expressed compactly in a chain-rule/intermediate-density formulation, which facilitates a unified modular implementation of analytic energy gradients for CCSD/PT-based electronic methods. The working equations for these analytical gradients are presented in full detail, and their factorization and implementation into an efficient computer code are discussed.

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